
Tokenomics and allocation of $EME


Allocation of $EME

Fair Launch

SoftCap: 0.2 ETH

HardCap: Unlimited

Maximum Buy: 1 ETH

Liquidity: 80 %

Fund Raise Token: ETH

Start Time (UTC): 2023-08-09 01:00

End Time (UTC): 2023-08-16 20:00

Estimated DEX Listing Time (UTC): 2023-08-16 20:30

Liquidity Unlock Time: 1095 days


$EME tokens intended for rewards for participation in staking pools are sent to a smart contract from which no one has the opportunity to withdraw $EME except participants.

Learn more about how staking works in the staking section.

Uniswap LP

The $EME tokens destined for the liquidity pool on Uniswap will be sent to the pool after the end of the Fair Launch.

The listing date on Uniswap will be determined later.

Listing Price coming soon

Once LP is set up, liquidity will be locked for 3 years

CEX listings, bridges, and LP

$EME tokens for CEX listing, liquidity and bridges will be placed in storage. The withdrawal of $EME from the storage must validate 2 addresses belonging to the founders EMEM, indicating the purpose of the withdrawal of $EME.

Early investors ($EMEM)

Those who donated to us and those who bought $EMEM tokens will be able to claim $EME tokens. $EME tokens intended for these purposes are blocked until Jule 15, 2023.

Check your wallet address, you may be eligible for $EME.


$EME tokens intended for team members are locked.

Amount: 11,000,000,000 EME

Unlock time(UTC): 2023.09.16 23:00

Amount: 30,000,000,000 EME

Unlock time(UTC): 2024.05.27 00:01

Last updated